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SCIENCE: Colorado Grow Youth Institute

Event Date and Time

Tuesday, April 8, 2025 - 11:45am


The GROW institute empowers high school students across the state to be hunger heroes by connecting with peers and leaders to explore, research, and propose solutions to solve food insecurity and hunger at home and around the world. By 2050, we’ll need to feed more than 9 billion people more efficiently and with fewer resources than we do now. The Colorado GROW Youth Institute is born out of the belief that Colorado youth play an important part in the solutions and creative thinking needed to solve this challenge.


In the meantime, learn more about how you can get involved at the Colorado GROW website.


Guidelines for participating in the global challenge research paper project are attached and available here. Stay tuned for more information about registration and additional exclusive internship and fellowship opportunities when you participate in the GROW Youth Institute.


Finally, check out our new video and hear directly from students and educators who participated in GROW last year. We hope to see you at GROW 2025! Register by March 4, 2025




CSU Spur
4777 National Western Dr.
Denver Colorado

Contact Information

Aryn Baxter