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SCIENCE: Spring Term begins for asynchronous eeCourses from the Colorado Alliance for Environmental Education
Event Date and Time
eeCourses provide online, flexible, and on-going professional development opportunities for formal and non-formal educators. Each course is intended to build key competencies and skills in a particular subject or focus area.
Courses require a total time commitment of 8-12 hours and operate asynchronously via Moodle, although some include synchronous components. eeCourses include a variety of tasks and assignments that are thoughtfully designed to engage participants in active learning experiences. Each eeCourse will include a suggested timeline to encourage timely completion of assignments.
eeCourses are moderated by 1-2 professionals in the field. Course Moderators will provide feedback and grades for all submitted assignments and they will be available to answer questions regarding tasks or assignments.
Courses are offered on a Spring, Summer, and Fall term calendar. You can register for multiple eeCourses in a particular term with the expectation that all work associated with those courses will be completed within a given term.
eeCourses are the building blocks of eeCredentials, which are similar to a micro-credential or a certificate that can be earned by completing a series of courses that roughly equate to one hour of graduate credit. Currently, CAEE offers seven eeCourses. More are in development with future opportunities to build them into an eeCredential in a specific area.
Virtual Zoom Meeting
Contact Information
Katie Navin
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