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School Libraries Communication Toolkit

What Is A Highly Effective School Librarian?

Video with interviews of Colorado district leaders, school leaders, teacher librarians, classroom teachers, and students about the role and impact of teacher librarians. (YouTube Link)

What Is A Highly Effective School Librarian?

Information sheet defining and describing the role of a highly effective school librarian. (PDF) 

K-12 Library Materials Selection Policy

Video which defines K-12 library materials selection policy and provides an overview of how selection policy guides library materials selection for Colorado K-12 schools. (YouTube Link)

Students Reach Greater Heights with School Librarians

Infographic summary of research studies demonstrating school librarian impact.

Libraries Transform

Infographic to spark conversations with stakeholders in your learning communities

SLIDE Project: School Library District and State Profiles

Generate a ready-to-use profile for your school district and similar districts that can be shared in both HTML and PDF formats. Examine library staffing data for a single state over time and compare those trends to those for other educator positions. (Access SLIDE website here)

Colorado School Libraries in the News

This award-winning school librarian uses murder mysteries to teach research skills (Chalkbeat, January 2025)

‘Like having a library in your pocket’: One CO educator’s keys to digital reading success (OverDrive, January 2025)

SVVSD educators earn Highly Effective Schools Through Libraries designations (Times-Call, September 2024)

Tozer library transformation earns Weld RE-4 staff state recognition (Greeley Tribune, April 2024)

'We are extremely proud': Weld RE-4 librarian, learning coach earns state designation (Greeley Tribune, March 2024)

'Growing our readers': How the Sheridan district has revived its once-closed high school library (Chalkbeat, February 2024)

Superintendent Spotlight on School Libraries, (Weld RE-4 School District, January 2024)

Congratulations to 23 BVSD librarians that have earned a CDE Highly Effective Schools Through Libraries (HESTL) credential (May 2023)

Celebrating the 17 St. Vrain Valley Schools library staff who earned 27 credentials in CDE’s Highly Effective Schools Through Libraries (HESTL) program (May 2023)