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State Grants to Libraries
In the 2024 legislative session, the Colorado Legislature appropriated nearly $3 million in the state's budget to fund the State Grants to Libraries Act. The funds will be available to eligible publicly funded school, public and academic libraries to fund grants for library materials as defined in the statute (see CRS 24-90-401). The purpose of the funds is for educational materials in libraries that support efforts to improve literacy and learning.
New for 2024-2025: the grant is transitioning to CDE's new grants management system, Grants Administration Implementation and Navigation System (GAINS).
Final Funding Allocation for 2024-2025
The Colorado State Library is pleased to announce that 316 libraries will be receiving State Grants to Libraries for 2024-2025! The Colorado Legislature appropriated nearly $3 million in grant funds because of the continued impact they provide to the communities the libraries serve. Final funding amounts for 2024-2025 (PDF) are available here (one grant awarded per library jurisdiction, academic institution, or school district).
- September 16, 2024: Applications due
- October 2024: Final award amounts announced
- July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025: Grant funding period
- June 30, 2025: Last day to request funds
- July 31, 2025: Final grant report due
Latest Publications
2024-2025 Distribution of State Grants to Libraries (PDF): View a map of where the 2024-2025 State Grants to Libraries were distributed, funding 316 grants to academic, public, and school libraries across the state. 97% of all libraries in the state received funding at a minimum of $4,500.
The Impact of State Grants to Libraries: 2023-2024 (PDF): In 2023-2024, $3 million was distributed to 312 public, school, academic, and institutional libraries. See how that money was used, some benefits of the funding, and how grantees said the funding helped them.
Colorado Libraries Collaborate! (CLC)
- Participant List - Membership in CLC is required for public and academic libraries. Check to see if your library is already a member.
- Participation Agreement Form - If you are not a member, you can fill out this form to become eligible for funding.
Funding Allocation Charts
2024-2025 Final Funding Allocation (PDF)
Previous grant year recipients (one grant per main library jurisdiction or school district) and allocation amounts.
- Eligible Purchases Checklist - Wondering whether you can purchase an item with this funding? Review this checklist of what are eligible purchases, and what are not.
- Databases, E-books, and other subscriptions - special Colorado Library Consortium (CLiC) pricing for vendors that offer online tools and other resources for research.
GAINS Support and Training
- State Grants to Libraries application training for GAINS
- Revising funding applications
- Instructions on how to request State Grants to Libraries funds in GAINS (Word)
- Fund request video recording
- See the Requesting Funds page for more information.
- General GAINS training
- About Grants Administration Implementation and Navigation System (GAINS)
- GAINS access request form for public and academic libraries
For questions on accessing GAINS, email - Additional support for GAINS
- Application system questions: Megan Winicki, Grants Program Administration or GAINS general email
- Office Hours for the System: every Tuesday from 12:30 to 1:00 pm, hosted by CDE's GAINS team. Register for Office Hours
Melissa Carlson, Program Manager
For assistance with GAINS: General GAINS email
Fiscal contact: Anissa El Bialy, Grants Fiscal Analyst, Grants Fiscal Management Unit
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