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Commonly Requested Data Available on CDE's Website
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Note: Some of this data is available all in one location at a school, district and state level on CDE's SchoolView school and district data site.
Accountability Data
View the Accountability Data webpage
- Performance Snapshots - The Performance Snapshot provides an overview of key elements from the most recent District and School Performance Framework Reports and Unified Improvement Plans. This report is primarily designed for users with existing knowledge of the performance frameworks and improvement planning process, but provides a significant amount of explanatory information that may make it accessible to broader audiences. Use this tool to access reports for individual districts and schools.
- Performance Framework Reports and Unified Improvement Plans - District and School Performance Frameworks are used to determine performance ratings under the state accountability system. Unified Improvement Plans document the strategies that districts and schools implement as part of the continuous improvement cycle. Go here to access reports for individual districts and schools in PDF format. Reports for the current year and for prior years going back to 2010 are available.
- School and District Dashboards - The Dashboards are made up of a suite of reports that have been designed to support improvement planning efforts by districts and schools. The dashboards allow users to interact with graphs and tables showing demographic information along with performance data and ratings generated under the state accountability system. Use this online tool to view current information for individual schools and districts along with several years of historical data
- State Accountability Data Explorer - Go here to access a repository of files containing performance framework information for all schools and districts in the state. Files include spreadsheets with current and historical performance framework results, along with copies of PowerPoint presentations and other reports presented to the State Board of Education.
- State Accountability Data Files - Go here to access a repository of files containing performance framework information for all schools and districts in the state. Files include spreadsheets with current and historical performance framework results, along with copies of PowerPoint presentations and other reports presented to the State Board of Education.
Assessment Data (Grades 3 – 12)
View the Assessment Data webpage
- CMAS – English Language Arts, Spanish Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies results
- CoAlt – English Language Arts and Math results. Data is reported at the state level only due to privacy restrictions
- CoAlt – Science and Social Studies results. Data is reported at the state level only due to privacy restrictions
- PSAT results
- SAT results
- Data Lab – You can use this tool to query the state's achievement data for the CMAS, CoAlt, PSAT, and SAT assessments as well as academic growth data. Growth data is also available through the Accountability resources listed below.
Charter School Data
View the Charter School Data webpage
The page above includes links to the triennial State of Charter Schools in Colorado reports and other published reports.
- Charter schools and authorizers/districts
- Charter school student demographics
- Charter school enrollment
Colorado Education Statistics
View the Colorado Education Statistics webpage
- Attendance data
- Dropout data
- Graduation and Completion data
- Mobility and stability data
- Pupil membership (i.e. pupil counts)
- Includes data broken out by sub-group, including gender, race/ethnicity, Free and Reduced Lunch eligibility, and instructional program (e.g., English Language Learner status, Gifted and Talented status, Special Education status, etc.)
- School and district staff data
- Includes average salary data, turnover rates, teacher counts, and student/teacher ratios
- Suspension and Expulsion data
*Please note that for the pages listed above, additional years of data may be posted on a separate page which can be accessed from the right-hand navigation menu
- A list of all Colorado Schools (XLSX)
- A list of all Colorado School Districts (XLSX)
- School district maps
Educator Data
- Public Educator Search – You can use this tool to download a roster of educators by credential type or look up credential information by name or credential number.
- Educator Research and Impact Data
- Colorado Education Workforce GIS Maps - The GIS maps have been created to simultaneously present several education datasets (including school and district staff employment, shortage areas, turnover, working conditions, grant funding, performance indicators and P-12 student demographics) and economic data (including unemployment rates and median local income). Visually presenting these datasets by district and school via Colorado "heat maps" provides a strong picture of the complexity of and variation in educator workforce issues.
- Educator Effectiveness Metrics
- Educator Preparation Programs Report including educator preparation pipeline data and connecting teacher outcomes to their Colorado preparation program
- Educator Shortage Survey results
- Also see school and district staff data listed in the Colorado Education Statistics section above
Facilities Data from the Capital Construction Unit
- Facilities Insight Dashboard - This tool provides an overview of facility condition and adequacy data collected during on-site facility condition assessments.
Federal Programs Data
View the Federal Programs Data webpage
- The page above includes federally mandated reports as well as reporting, such as program evaluations, on various federal programs.
- ESSA State Report
- ESSA School and District Reports
- Consolidated State Performance Report (CSPR) submitted to the U.S. Department of Education pertaining to various programs funded by the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA)
- Program Evaluations
- Schools identified for support and improvement under the Every Student Succeeds Act
- List of Title I Schools in the State
Elementary Literacy and School Readiness Data
View the Elementary Literacy and School Readiness webpage
- Preschool special education outcomes (OSEP Indicator B7)
- CAP4K/Kindergarten School Readiness legislative report
- Literacy Curriculum Transparency Dashboard - This dashboard provides state, district, school, and grade level literacy instructional programming information related to the Colorado READ Act.
- READ Act Dashboard - An interactive data tool to explore READ Act assessment results.
- READ Act legislative reports
School Finance Data
- Financial Transparency - You can use this tool to explore revenue and expenditure information for each school, district, and BOCES throughout Colorado.
- School District Revenues and Expenditures – These annual reports have revenues and expenditures data for school districts, charter school collaborative, and Boards of Cooperative Services (BOCES).
School Nutrition Data
View the School Nutrition Data webpage
The page above includes links to frequently requested data related to school nutrition programs, meal counting and claiming data, and School Food Authorities (SFAs) and Sponsor information.
Special Education Data
View the Special Education Data webpage
- The page above includes Special Education data provided at the state level as well as some data at the Administrative Unit level. All counts of 16 or less have been suppressed to protect student privacy.
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