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Gender Field Update
The Gender category field will be updated for ALL Data Collections starting in the 2023-2024 year. This change is due to requests from Local Education Agencies (LEAs) to allow for an additional code to report the gender for students and staff. This is to align with birth certificates issued in Colorado as well as driver’s licenses, which both allow for nonbinary as well as male and female (per C.R.S. 25-2- 113.8). An additional code in the data pipeline collections will assist LEAs while reporting their students and staff gender; however, the code would not be required to be used for LEAs.
The gender field will be updated and allow for code ‘03’ in Data Pipeline starting for the 2023-2024 collections. Gender code option 03 - non-binary will be available for use in Data Pipeline RITS Read, RITS Batch, and RITS Data Match uploads, as well as RITS Web Single Student Add/Update and Search beginning July 1st, 2023.
Updated Field
Gender - An individual's sex
Data Pipeline Collections Impacted
Year Round:
- Discipline
- Special Education IEP
- Staff
- Student
- Teacher Student Data Link
- Title I
Periodic Files:
- Alternative Education Campus
- Designated Agency
- SBD CMAS and Co-Alt
- SBD Dynamic Learning Maps
- SBD PSAT9, PSAT10, and SAT
- READ Teacher Training Completion
- READ Spring Assessment File
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