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Comprehensive Literacy State Development Grant
Comprehensive Literacy State Development Grant
In September 2020, the U.S. Department of Education awarded Colorado a $16 million grant to implement the Colorado Comprehensive Literacy Project, which aims to advance literacy skills for children from birth to grade 12 with special emphasis on serving children living in poverty, English learners, and children with disabilities
The Comprehensive Literacy State Development Program is a competitive federal grant that seeks to improve literacy in the state by using evidence-based practices, activities and interventions, including pre-literacy skills. The grant will span five years and will provide funding to districts through a competitive grant process.
The grant provides professional development and technical assistance, literacy coaching, and will help districts disseminate family literacy information. Ninety-five percent of the funds are directed to school districts, with an additional focus on Qualified Opportunity Zones throughout Colorado.
The Colorado Comprehensive Literacy Project activities create an infrastructure for districts to develop their own local literacy plans and direct additional funding to implement research-based literacy strategies and interventions.
Subgrantee Information
CLSD Original Cohort Subgrant Awards
The CLSD funds support the original cohort of subgrantees for a duration of four years, commencing in the fall of the 2021-2022 school year and continuing through the 2024-2025 school year. CDE has committed to allocating at least 95% of the $16.1 million it received directly to districts through subawards. The districts were chosen to receive funding via a competitive selection process. Although there are shared components across projects, each one is distinct, tailored to address the specific needs for expanding comprehensive literacy efforts within their respective communities.
Request for Application 5/21/2021
CLSD Supplemental PD Cohort Subgrant Awards
In January 2023, CDE was invited to apply for supplemental CLSD funds for the remainder of the grant. CDE applied for, and was awarded, $1.5 million. It was decided to use these funds to support a separate cohort of grantees with a scaled-back scope of work for the remaining 2 years.
Request for Application 5/24/2023
CLSD Original Cohort Subaward Grant Winners:
Aurora Public Schools
Charter School Institute
Cherry Creek 5
Harrison 2
Lake County Schools
Pueblo 70
Sheridan 2
St. Vrain Valley School District
Telluride School District
CLSD Professional Development Subgrant Winners:
Canon City Schools
Charter School Institute
Delta County
Norwood Schools
South Central BOCES
CLSD Impact Study
Webinars and Meetings
November 2024 Meeting Slides with Notes
2024 Beginning of Year Meeting Slides with Notes
Harrison D2 Presentation, Mountain Vista Community School Secondary Literacy
Resources and Professional Learning
CLSD Requirements Page
Required Funding Formula Allowable Activities - Original 4-Year Cohort
Allowable Activities - PD 2-Year Cohort
Administrative + Indirect Costs (5%) - Both Cohorts
Non-Allowable Activities for Either Cohort
Local Literacy Plans
External Consultants
Changes to Your Project
Subgrantee Monitoring and Reporting Page
Reporting Schedule
Narrative Reporting
Financial Reporting
Directions for Completing Quarterly and Annual Financial Reports
Submitting a New Yearly Budget
Carryover Requests
Student Data Reporting
Project Evaluation
CLSD Contact Information Change Form
If there have been changes to your primary grant and budget contacts, complete the CLSD Contact Information Change Form.
Requesting Funds
To request funds from the CLSD Grant, visit this link:
- Click the Formsite link under "All Competitive Grants."
- Log in using your district credentials.
- Select the grant: "Colorado Literacy State Development" or "Colorado Literacy Professional Development." Both have the CDE Grant Code 5371.
- For login issues or questions, refer to the tutorials and resources at the bottom of the page or contact Tricia Miller at
To track or monitor spending and previous drawdown requests for the CLSD Grant, visit this page:
- Navigate to the current fiscal year section labeled "Competitive Grants Distributions – FY####."
- Download the Excel file provided.
- Locate the tab labeled "CLSD Grant" within the file to view up-to-date funding distributions.
[ CLSD Program Grant Manager: Laura Lay ] [ ] [ 303-868-9822 ]
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