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High Growth Title I Schools Leadership
Across all nine schools, the ratings for the Leadership standard were high. However, five of the schools stood out for their remarkably strong leadership. Leadership at these schools did not merely reside in the school principal but was purposefully distributed across teams - teachers were very much a part of the decision-making process. This support for and value of distributed leadership is reflected in the overall vision and mission of each school.
According to the reports generated by the ESP reviews, the following were the highest ranked indicators in the Leadership standard:
- Leadership allocates and monitors the use of resources
- Leadership protects instructional time
- Leadership develops and sustains a shared mission and vision
- School leadership incorporates information from disaggregated data into the school
improvement plan - School leadership promotes and supports a diverse educational environment
For more information regarding implementation of this standard, follow this link to be directed to the Leadership section of the High Growth Title I Schools Study: Summary Report.
Video clips of principals discussing their successes with some of the leadership indicators:
- Principal leadership
- Leadership video 1 - Principal addresses the importance of creating a culture to support all students and working together to accomplish this.
- Leadership video 2 - Principal discusses his leadership style and the importance of relationships.
- Leadership video 3 - Principal discusses the high expectations that he holds for staff and students.
- Distributed leadership
- Leadership video 4 - Principal speaks to a norm of shared leadership in the building, and why this is important.
- Principal’s presence
- Leadership video 5 - Principal addresses the importance of lesson planning and her expectations for staff in this area
- Leadership video 6 - Principal speaks about presence in classrooms every day – this builds relations with students as well.
Follow the links below for more information on how these schools are implementing strong leadership.
Effective School Practices (ESP) review reports
- Metro Elementary School 1 - see page 27
- Metro Elementary School 2 - see page 20
- Metro Elementary School 3 - see page 20
- Metro Middle School - see page 26
- North Central Elementary School - see page 18
- Northeast Elementary School - see page 19
- Northwest Elementary School - see page 23
- South Central High School - see page 29
- Southwest Elementary School - see page 29
School briefs
- Metro Elementary School 1 - see page 6
- Metro Elementary School 2 - see page 7
- Metro Elementary School 3 - see page 6
- Northeast Elementary School - see page 3
- Northwest Elementary School - see page 5
- Southwest Elementary School - see page 6
School profiles
- Metro Elementary School 1
- Metro Elementary School 2
- Metro Elementary School 3
- Metro Middle School
- North Central Elementary School
- Northeast Elementary School
- Northwest Elementary School
- South Central High School
- Southwest Elementary School
For Additional Information Contact:
Nazanin Mohajeri-Nelson
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