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Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics 

According to the U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights, schools must ensure that their STEM courses and programs are free from discrimination.   In the June 22, 2007 Dear Colleague letter, the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights reaffirmed that women, girls, and society as a whole benefits when opportunities in areas such as mathematics and science are increased for women and girls.  “The United States cannot remain educationally, economically, or technologically competitive without the contributions of all of its citizens, and Title IX has made it possible for more women and girls to make such contributions.” 

The U.S. Department of Education’s National Center for Education Research, through the Institute for Education Sciences, developed the following 55 page resource guide: Encouraging Girls in Math and Science (PDF) which provides recommendations, such as:

  • Create an environment that sparks curiosity in math and science
  • Teach that STEM skills are learned, not innate
  • Teach that academic abilities are expandable and improvable
  • Frame adversity as an experience common to everyone
  • Encourage a growth-mindset
  • Teach about the effects of stereotyping
  • Move away from the idea that certain people are cut out for certain types of jobs
  • Highlight the broad applications of engineering and computing
  • Include female role-models and mentors in STEM fields
  • Create welcoming environments for girls in STEM
  • Provide girls with opportunities to tinker and build confidence

NSF INCLUDES National Network published a 21 page research brief of Evidence-based Strategies for Attracting and Retaining Girls and Women in STEM.  Some of their recommendations include:

  • Emphasize communal goals and opportunities for practice
  • Foster engagement among key entities and stakeholders
  • Provide more informal STEM learning environments
  • Enhance professional development for educators
  • Confront gender-based biases and provide supportive spaces
  • Use targeted messaging and conversations to build interest and confidence
  • Encourage mentoring and role modeling from female faculty
  • Embrace work-life balance and family-friendly policies

The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine published a 2020 consensus study report titled Promising Practices for Addressing the Underrepresentation of Women in Science, Engineering, and Medicine: Opening Doors which addresses the problem of gender inequities in U.S. STEM fields, factors that drive the underrepresentation of women in STEM, and provides a review of the current research on educational interventions that can improve recruitment and retention of girls and women in STEM fields. Research-based interventions include:

  • Incorporating active learning
  • Promoting a growth mindset
  • Communicating the societal impact of STEM to students
  • Including female role models
  • Creating inclusive relationships through mentoring
  • Having male allies

The study also includes information on how the characteristics of the STEM instructor, the class structure, and group composition may affect the recruitment and retention of girls. This study is available as a free downloadable pdf or for purchase in book form.

Scholarships and Grants

In an effort to address the national gender gap of women in STEM fields, the following organizations have created webpages to facilitate access to grants and scholarships:

Instructional Resources

  • Space4All provides educational resources, awards, and scholarship opportunities for K-12 schools.
  • The Smithsonian Science Education Center provides a number of FREE STEM related instructional materials, including videos, for grades 5-8, and a FREE downloadable e-book of Stories of Women in STEM at the Smithsonian
  • The National Center for Women & Information Technology provides practical tips and FREE educational materials for K-12 educators on their K-12 Educators page.
  • Million Women Mentor has additional FREE resources and whitepapers available on their STEM Connector Resource page.

Additional Resources