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American Indian Education
Our Mission
The Office of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Education provides support to Colorado school districts, schools, and educational leaders in the academic, linguistic, and social-emotional challenges and opportunities of culturally and linguistically diverse students to ensure equitable access to grade level standards and ensure a well-rounded education.
Important Announcements
Title VI - Indian and Alaska Native Formula Grant
The Office of Indian Education (OIE), located in the Office of the Under Secretary (OUS), was created in 1972 under the Indian Education Act. The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) of 2015 amends the Indian education programs in OIE as Title VI, Part A of Elementary and Secondary Education Act. The Federal legislation focuses on the education of American Indians, Alaska Natives and Native Hawaiians for preschool to graduate school.
Title VI is designed to ensure that American Indian, Native Hawaiian and Alaska Native students meet challenging state academic content and student academic achievement standards, as well as meet the unique culturally related needs.
To see the complete text of the ESSA statute, please click here.

Getting Started
Annual Performance Report (APR)
Tribal Consultation
- Colorado Commission of Indian Affairs
- Federally Recognized Tribes by the Department of the Interior
- Building Relationships with Tribes: A Native Process for ESSA Consultation (PDF)
- Yearly Affirmation Form
- Nuchiu Strong: A Colorado Kindergarten and 1st Grade Resource Guide - Lessons About the Ute Mountain Ute Tribe
- Nuu-ciu Strong: A Colorado 4th Grade Resource Guide - Lessons About the Ute People of Colorado Updated April 2023
- Modules to Support Culturally Responsive Instruction for Native American Students Updated 2021
- IllumiNative
- National Education Association
- Everyday Native
- National Museum of the American Indian
- Teaching Tolerance
- Native Knowledge 360-Framework for Essential Understandings about American Indians
- Bureau of Indian Affairs
- Bureau of Indian Affairs Office of Indian Education Programs
- National Congress of American Indians (NCAI)
- National Indian Education Association
- EL Guidebook on Designing, Delivering and Evaluating Services for English Learners
- National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition
- Digital Resources for Learning at Home
- Building Cultural Awareness in Support of American Indian and Alaska Native Students (Word Doc)
- Considering Native Students: A Learning and Programming Toolkit for SEAs, LEAs, and Tribes
- Becoming Visible
- Governor Jared Polis proclaims March 21, 2019 as Ute Day at the Capitol
- National Indian Education Study 2019 (NAEP) (PDF)
Post-Secondary Resources
- Guide to Scholarships for Indigenous Students
- College Guide for Indigenous Students
- Resources for Indigenous American Entrepreneurs
- Purdue University Global: 45+College Scholarships for Minority Students
- EDUMED Scholarships & Resources for Native American and Alaskan Native Students
- Community for Accredited Online Schools
- American Indian College Fund
- American Indian Higher Education Consortium (AIHEC)
- Scholarship Guide for Native American Students
- Native American College Student Support Guide
- Financial Aid for Minority Students
- Nursing Scholarships for Indigenous American Students
- Incredible Health: Nursing Scholarships
Contact Information
Georgina Owen
Indian Education Coordinator
Connect With Us