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Gifted Education
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About Us
The Office of Gifted Education is dedicated to supporting Colorado's gifted students through the state's Exceptional Children's Educational Act (ECEA).
We envision a future where all gifted students have access to challenging, culturally inclusive, and evidence-based educational opportunities that help them develop their unique talents and lead fulfilling lives.
Learn more about Gifted Education Terms and Definitions.
All gifted students will receive rigorous, culturally inclusive, evidenced-based academic and affective educational opportunities to develop their exceptionalities, leading to fulfilling and productive lives.
To provide evidence-based support to Administrative Units related to the implementation of ECEA gifted education rules and state statute to ensure equity and opportunity for every gifted student, every step of the way.
Equity Plan
The Office of Gifted Education leadership is committed to learning more, taking action, and advocating for change to create a more inclusive organization a more equitable school system where regardless of skin color, heritage language, socioeconomic status, disability, or gender identity, students with gifts and talents have access to equal and equitable opportunities in their lives.
Local Gifted Education Contacts
The ECEA requires Administrative Units (AUs) - including school districts, Charter School Institute (CSI), and BOCES - to identify and support gifted students from ages 4 to 21.
As a local control state, your AU is the best source of accurate and updated information about their specific gifted education services. The information below helps locate local contacts:
- View AUs for school districts
- View AU directors/coordinators
- View Charter School authorizers
Charter school authorizers administer the gifted program plan.
Gifted Education State Advisory Committee (GE-SAC)
GE-SAC serves as an advisory committee to support the State Board of Education (SBE) as it fulfills its responsibilities in implementing this part 2 by providing reasonable recommendations related to existing gifted education rules, (Exceptional Children’s Education Act). Members include family members, educators, and community members.
Visit the GE-SAC webpage for more information.
Gifted Education Data
Districts report gifted enrollment data during the Student October Count.
Annually, the Office of Gifted Education provides a comprehensive state level data detail for gifted enrollment report.
The Gifted and Talented State Data Detail report is separated into demographics and categories of giftedness:
Program Plans
The Comprehensive Program Plan describes how the AU has implemented the key requirements for gifted education as defined in ECEA Rule and outlines areas for continuous improvement. Plans may be updated and revised at any time and are reviewed by CDE as part of the collaborative monitoring process. House Bill 08-1021 created the opportunity for Colorado AUs to accelerate highly advanced gifted children under age 4 for kindergarten and/or under age 5 for first grade pursuant to CRS 22-20-204(2). Proving Early Access as a programming option is a local decision of the AU. If an AU chooses to provide Early Access, the AU must file a written Early Access Plan in order to receive per-pupil funding for an early access student.
Note: If you are not able to access the resources or need additional support, please contact the Office of Gifted Education Program Administrator
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