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Professional Learning Opportunities
WIDA Self-Paced Workshops
- Virtual Self-Paced Workshops are available September 1, 2024 to August 31, 2025 for Colorado K-12 public school educators with a school district email address. Educators must complete SY24-25 workshops by August 31, 2025 to receive credit.
- No cost and no participant limit. Participants can log in at any time, from any place where they have access to internet services.
- To participate educators must have a WIDA Secure Portal account. To assist with this process, Districts must create and send a bulk upload list with educators' names and email addresses to the WIDA Client Services Center (CSC) at WIDA CSC receives and processes the bulk upload, an automatic email will be sent to the educators on the list inviting them to create an eLearning account through the Secure Portal. Download Bulk Upload Template.
- Log into WIDA Secure Portal, open the Professional Learning tab to view self-paced, online eWorkshops available this school year.
- The Workshops are aligned to the English Learner Quality Standards.To view a list of the Workshops and which standards they align to, please read the WIDA Self-Paced Workshop FAQs.
- Certificate of Completion can be printed and/or downloaded once an Workshop is completed. CDE will not be able to reproduce certificates or verify participation.
WIDA Virtual Workshops
Colorado K-12 public school educators have access to attend virtual WIDA Facilitated Workshops at no cost. These opportunities are available to educators with WIDA Secure Portal accounts during the current school year. Registration for each Facilitated Workshop may have participant limits. If you registered and are unable to attend or you would like to request information about WIDA Secure Portal Accounts, please email CLDE.
February 2025: Nurturing Speaking Growth encourages participants to explore the connection between the ACCESS Speaking Test and classroom practices that promote oral language development. In the webinars, educators will engage in meaning making activities that provide ways to nurture students’ speaking growth. This workshop is unique in that participants will be asked to speak and share ideas with colleagues during the webinars. Two live webinars occurring from 2:30pm-4:00pm on February 19 and March 5. Registration Closed.
November 2024: When Language and Disability Meet: Planning for Instruction to Support Dually Identified Students workshop is designed for K-12 educators who work with multilingual learners who are dually identified for language and disability. Participants will explore principles of Universal Design Learning and think about shared responsibility and advocacy when planning for multilingual learners who are dually identified for language and disability. Two live webinars occurring from 3:00pm-4:30pm on November 4 and November 18. Registration Closed.
September 2024: Scaffolding Learning through Language is a three-part webinar series which encourages educators to consider a dynamic set of classroom practices that support multilingual learners as they move toward increasing independence and expertise in grade-level content. Participants will explore how rigorous, well-sequenced curriculum within the content of meaningful experiences contributes to rich classroom interactions that mediate learning. Topics that educators will explore are a) valuing students' resources for learning, b) developing a strong community of learners, and c) engaging students in rigorous curriculum. Three live webinars occurring from 3:00pm-4:30pm on September 26, October 3, and October 10. Registration Closed.
WIDA In-Person Workshops
Writing with Multilingual Learners in the Elementary Grades is a two-day in-person workshop held in early May 2025. It focuses on writing instruction that supports the use of the Teaching and Learning Cycle as a way to empower multilingual writers, not only to produce successful academic writing but, more importantly, to communicate effectively for a variety of purposes and different audiences. Students need opportunities to leverage writing as a powerful tool to understand the world, express themselves effectively, learn from one another, and argue for the things they believe in. This vision requires intentional, language-focused instruction and is strengthened when it occurs through authentic writing tasks in the content areas. In this interactive workshop, educators will explore a pedagogical approach that apprentices multilingual learners into writing in various academic genres. Specifically, looking at examples of this in science and consider how this approach develops multilingual learners’ writing skills and their awareness of how language works in written form, allowing them to become effective and informed writers not only in science but across content areas. For more information about this workshop, including cost and location, please visit WIDA's Licensed Workshop.
WIDA Academies are in-person professional learning workshops focusing on topics relevant to educators of multilingual learners. Educators from within and outside of the WIDA Consortium are invited to attend open-enrollment workshops facilitated by WIDA professional learning specialists. Registration for Afirmando la Experiencia Bilingüe con el Marco DALE occurring on May 6, in Denver is now available. This one-day bilingual academy is designed for Spanish/English bilingual K-12 educators, administrators, coaches, curriculum coordinators, and support staff with minimal experience using el Marco de los estándares del desarrollo auténtico del lenguaje español de WIDA (Marco DALE). Early bird registration available through February 24. Please contact WIDA for more information about WIDA Academies.
2024-2025 Professional Learning Opportunities
Colorado educators can register for Professional Learning Opportunities through the registration link associated with each date below. In the event that there are fewer than ten people registered, the professional learning opportunity will be rescheduled and those registered will be notified.
Supporting Students with Limited or Interrupted Formal Education (SLIFE)
A toolkit curated and organized by the Massachusetts SLIFE Community of Practice and its members is a resource for classroom teachers, multilingual learner specialists, paraprofessionals, school and district leaders, and other educators who work closely with SLIFE and their families. It is a dynamic, living resource which outlines a 4-step process for identifying and supporting SLIFE by bridging theory and practice and supports educators to implement the guidance in their unique contexts. National experts from SupportEd have developed a three-part module series for educators of SLIFE in Massachusetts: these self-paced professional learning sessions are designed for educators with all levels of experience in teaching students identified as SLIFE, from novice to expert.
Colorado Professional Development Corner Hosted by CBOCES
In partnership with CDE and other educational organizations, Centennial BOCES has developed free, online modules that are available to all Colorado educators. Access Centennial BOCES professional development offerings to learn more about courses and registration information.
Screener Information & Resources Meeting
Intended for new Test Administrators (TAs) who were unable to attend June or August Screener trainings facilitated by the CLDE Office. Meetings will provide general information about how to obtain test materials, locating test resources, accessing scoring calculators, and completing WIDA's online self-paced modules and quizzes before becoming certified to administer and score the WIDA Screener for Grades 1-12 and/or WIDA Screener for Kindergarten. Screener administration and testing procedures will not be discussed during information & resources meetings.
Please Note: TA certification can only be obtained after completing and passing self-paced WIDA online training modules. Certification to administer and/or score Screeners will not be issued after attending this meeting. Registration to attend a meeting held on August 13, August 21 or August 29 is closed. Please contact the presenter to learn more about information and/or resources related to WIDA Screener for Grades 1-12 and/or WIDA Screener for Kindergarten.
WIDA Screener and WIDA Screener for Kindergarten
Training prepares new test administrators to complete WIDA's online self-paced modules and quizzes before becoming certified to administer and score the WIDA Screener for students in grades 1-12 and WIDA Screener for Kindergarten students. Participants will examine protocols and procedures to administer and score assessments to identify multilingual learners. Certification must be obtained directly from WIDA and is not issued after attending these trainings. For more information about the certification process, please view the WIDA Screener Assessment page.
Content and materials delivered during June trainings will be repeated in August:
- WIDA Screener for Kindergarten: Friday, June 7, 2024 from 9:30am-11:00am
- WIDA Screener (grades 1-12): Wednesday, June 12, 2024 from 10:00am-11:30am
- WIDA Screener for Kindergarten: Thursday, August 1, 2024 from 12:00pm-1:30pm
- WIDA Screener (grades 1-12): Tuesday, August 6, 2024 from 11:00am-12:30pm
Identification & Data Coding for Multilingual Learners
A focus on Colorado's Standardized Identification Procedures for SY24-25. Intended for new or veteran district data and program coordinators and personnel who identify and code multilingual students. Virtual Training Date: Tuesday, September 10, 2024 from 11:00am-12:00pm
New English Language Development Coordinators
The CLDE Office will be hosting monthly meetings to support the implementation of Colorado standardized procedures at the local level. The goal during office hours will be to build federal and state knowledge around requirements for Multilingual Learners (MLs), provide support to strengthen district processes and procedures, and establish networks between districts and schools. If you are a new English Language Development (ELD) coordinator, director, educator, or have recently been asked to support with the instructional programs for MLs in your district or school, please consider joining monthly meetings held on September 10, October 8, November 5, December 17, February 11, April 15, and May 13, Tuesdays at 12:30pm -1:30pm. Register to Attend.
CLDE Office Hours
The Office of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Education (CLDE) will be hosting virtual office hours to support educators in the instruction of Multilingual Learners (MLs). The topics will be generated, in part, based on feedback and surveys from the field, including topics of interest throughout the school calendar year. The goal of these meetings will be to clarify legal obligations and requirements, provide support in strengthening processes, and to share bright spots and promising practices in Colorado districts, schools, and public charter schools. See the CLDE Webinar Website for office hour dates and registration information.
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