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Special Education Advisory Committees
Colorado Special Education Advisory Committee (CSEAC)
CSEAC is a state level committee mandated by federal and state law. Members are interested in the quality of education received by children/youth with disabilities. The committee includes parents of and individuals with disabilities, educational service providers, administrators and representatives from a variety of related agencies. Participation is statewide and representative of diverse disabilities.
Special Education Fiscal Advisory Committee (SEFAC)
SEFAC was established in 2006 by House Bill 06-1375 and is the Special Education Fiscal Advisory Committee. The committee is charged with the allocation of an annual appropriation, currently $4 million. The committee has the discretion to award grants to administrative units for students with disabilities who qualify as “high cost” students. In addition to analyzing the high cost applications and awarding grants to administrative units, the SEFAC produces an annual report to the legislature which includes special education data from the collection year, current fiscal year and changes the committee recommends regarding the manner of distributing funds to Administrative Units for special education programs through the Exceptional Children’s Educational Act (ECEA).
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