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Educator Professional Development Requirements
Educators must renew their professional license every seven years by completing 90 contact hours of professional learning (or six (6) semester hours of college/university coursework -- or any combination thereof) -- within the preceding seven years. While educators generally have carte blanche to determine which professional learning to pursue, their choices must align to their endorsement areas, the Colorado academic standards, educator quality standards, school culture and climate, leadership or student safety and well-being.
Five initiatives stipulated professional development for some groups of educators. Three require the professional development as part of the 90 contact hours for licensure renewal, while both READ Act initiatives require districts to assure their teachers’ and principals'/administrators' completion of the professional development, which indeed fulfill part of the 90-hour renewal requirement. Jump to a matrix outlining what PD is required of which educators by when.
Professional Development Required for Professional License Renewal
Special Education and Behavioral Health Licensure RENEWAL Requirements
- Who: All educators with professional licenses expiring on or after June 30, 2025.
- When: Every seven (7) years upon renewal
As result of HB 20-1128 and HB 20-1312:
- Special services providers, principals and administrators are required to complete a minimum of 10 contact hours of professional learning in:
- Increasing awareness of laws and practices pertaining to educating students with disabilities in the classroom, including but not limited to Child Find and inclusive learning environments.
- Teachers are required to complete a minimum of 10 contact hours of professional learning - with a minimum of one (1) contact hour in each area - in:
- Behavioral health that is culturally responsive and trauma- and evidence-informed; and
- Increasing awareness of laws and practices pertaining to educating students with disabilities in the classroom, including but not limited to Child Find and inclusive learning environment.
Note: CDE does not have a list of approved coursework/trainings. Instead, educators should review the description of their selected coursework to ensure content aligns with the intentions described above.
English Language Learner Professional Development RENEWAL Requirement
- Who: All educators with professional teacher licenses with an elementary, English language arts, math, science, social studies or middle-level endorsement (middle school math (grades 6-8), MIDL (older endorsement issued on renewals))
- When: One-time upon renewal for licenses that expire on or after Sept. 1, 2025.
Effective Sept. 1, 2025, per Colorado State Board of Education rule, 45 contact hours of ELL professional learning is required of all educators renewing a professional teacher license with an elementary, English, math, science or social studies endorsement. This also includes middle-level endorsements. This requirement is mandatory regardless of what content the educator is currently teaching. These 45 hours may be used toward fulfilling the 90 contact hours for renewal, and an educator may meet the requirement by completing an approved program or by applying professional development or college coursework from any point in time (complete a matrix outlining this coursework).
Educator Effectiveness Evaluator Training (E-Train) RENEWAL Requirement
- Who: All educators applying for a principal or administrator license - or renewing such license that expires - on or after Aug. 1, 2024
- When: One-time requirement; at time of application
Senate Bill 22-070 required changes to the state evaluation system along with requirements to enhance the experience for educators. Among the changes, all principals and administrators applying for a new principal or administrator license - or to renew such a license that expires - on or after Aug. 1, 2024, must first complete an approved training in order to receive the credential.
Professional Development Required for Specific License Holders
READ Act - Teacher: Reading Professional Development DISTRICT Requirement
- Who: All educators teaching reading to K-3 students or serving as reading interventionists in grades 4-12 in districts that receive READ Act funding
- When: One-time requirement; Aug. 1 of each year
Pursuant to SB 19-199 and Colorado State Board of Education rule, all teachers employed in K-3 classrooms in Colorado must show evidence of competency in teaching science-based reading or complete 45 hours of professional development to fulfill requirements of the READ Act. This pertains to all educators teaching literacy in a K-3 classroom, regardless of the type of credential held or if they hold no credential at all. Colorado SB 22-004 expanded the requirement to include nterventionists for grades 4-12, as well.
READ Act - Administrator: Reading Professional Development DISTRICT Requirement
- Who: All principals and administrators in districts that receive READ Act funding
- When: One-time requirement; Aug. 1 of each year
Pursuant to SB-22-004 and Colorado State Board of Education rule, all principals and administrators must complete an approved 20-hour training or, if they already hold a READ Act-Teacher designation, an approved 5-hour training. This is a one-time requirement for currently employed principals and administrators in a school/district that received READ Act funding. Note: One must hold a principal or administrator credential in order to add the READ Act - Administrator designation to their license.
Matrix of Educator Professional Development Requirements
The following charts outline what professional development is required of which educators, by when, and who is responsible for meeting these educator professional development requirements.
Responsible Party |
Special Education and Behavioral Health 10 contact hours Timeline: Professional license renewal on or after June 30, 2025, and every 7-year renewal cycle thereafter. |
English Language Learner 45 contact hours Timeline: Professional licenses in effect for renewal on or after Sept. 1, 2025. |
Educator Effectiveness Evaluator Training Timeline: Initial principal or administrator license applicants and anyone renewing a principal or administrator license that expires on or after Aug. 1, 2024. |
Individual educators’ responsibility to renew their professional license | X | X | X | |
Schools/districts receiving READ Act funding | X |
Grade Level or Content Area |
Special Education and 10 hours Who: All professional license-holders renewing licenses that expire on or after June 30, 2025, and every 7-year renewal cycle thereafter. |
English Language Learner 45 hours Who: Professional licensed teachers with an elementary, English, math, science, social studies or middle-level endorsement - regardless of the content area taught -renewing licenses that expire on or after Sept. 1, 2025. |
Educator Effectiveness Evaluator Training E-Train Parts 1 & 2 Who: All applicants applying for an initial principal or administrator license or seeking to renew a principal or administrator license that expires on or after Aug. 1, 2024. |
Early Childhood | X | X | ||
Kindergarten | X | X | X | |
1st | X | X | X | |
2nd | X | X | X | |
3rd | X | X | X | |
4th | X | X | ||
5th | X | X | ||
6th | X | X | ||
English | X | X | ||
Math | X | X | ||
Social Studies | X | X | ||
Science | X | X | ||
Art/Music/PE | X | |||
Special Education | X | * | ||
Interventionist/ELL teacher | X | * | ||
All Secondary Educators | X | |||
All Special Service Providers | X | * | ||
All Principals, Administrators | X | X | X |
*These educator groups are required to complete the READ Act training requirement if they support reading instruction for K-3 students or reading intervention for grades 4-12.
For general licensing questions, submit a support ticket to CDE's licensure office.
For questions about READ Act requirements, email the READ Act team.
For questions about the special education/behavioral health training, email the Educator Development Office.
For questions about educator effectiveness evaluator (E-Train) training, contact the Educator Effectiveness team.
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