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Current Work
Alternative and Flexible Learning Models
Since the Rules for the Administration of the Public School Finance Act (1 CCR 301-39) changes were adopted by the State Board of Education in March 2024, the Colorado Department of Education (CDE) has been exploring future opportunities to collaborate with the field to collectively explore the rule changes and learn how districts and schools may be considering new learning designs. Some of CDE's current ideas and goals include expanding awareness of the flexibilities within the new conditions, identifying barriers and constraints impacting the field with flexible learning, supporting districts and schools with learning models under the new rules, sharing ideas and resources for programming that meets documentation requirements, and developing a learning community among practitioners.
For the most current information about the rule changes, CDE's School Auditing Office hosted an "Informational Session Regarding Changes to the Public School Finance Act" webinar on March 21, 2024. The presentation and recording materials for this webinar session are located on their Training and Office Hours page. Please review the 2024-2025 Student October Count Audit Resource Guide (PDF) for additional information and attend their "Student October: Intro to the Audit Resource Guide" webinar scheduled for August 1, 2024.
- Past information about the changes from CDE's School Finance Unit is on their Updates to the Rules for Administration of the PSFA of 1994 page.
- Past work related to the PSFA changes from CDE's Schools of Choice Unit is on the Blended Learning Initiative (BLI) page.
More information and resources will be added to this page as CDE structures opportunities for Colorado districts, schools, and other educational stakeholders to access and participate in. A second learning community is anticipated for Fall 2024.
- Thursday, March 21, 2024 - Information Session Regarding Changes to the Public School Finance Act webinar hosted by CDE
- Monday, May 20, 2024 - PSFA Changes for Online Schools and Programs webinar hosted by CDE
- Thursday, May 23, 2024 - Alternative and Flexible Learning Models Learning Community meeting hosted by CDE
- Thursday, September 19, 2024 - Alternative and Flexible Learning Models Learning Community meeting hosted by CDE
Mallorie Klemm, Blended Learning Education Sr. Consultant
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Digital Trends Research
The Office of Online and Blended Learning is dedicated to staying at the forefront of emerging technologies that impact teaching and learning. In collaboration with the CDE Office of Standards and Instructional Support, research into AI and digital trends has been conducted to better understand and utilize these innovations, with the goal of enhancing educational outcomes across Colorado.
Visit the Artificial Intelligence Resources page to access a selection of information and tools designed to support the integration of AI in education. Additional updates and resources will be added as the research progresses.
- Friday, March 28, 2025 - National AI Literacy Day sessions hosted by Colorado Education Initiative (CEI) and CDE
- Contribute to the sessions here: Google Form for students, educators, leaders, and industry professional
- Registration details coming soon!
Natasha Gordon, Data Analysis & Professional Learning Senior Consultant
CASE Project
The Colorado Association of School Executives (CASE) has been testing the feasibility of allowing large more populated school communities in Colorado to partner with smaller committees to provide virtual learning opportunities in difficult-to-staff content areas since 2023.
CDE began collecting educator shortage data in the 2017-18 school year in response to Colorado House Bill 17-2003: Concerning a Strategic Action Plan to Address Teacher Shortages in Colorado. As part of their work, CDE created the Educator Shortage Survey distributed to all local education agencies (LEAs) including school districts and Boards of Cooperative Educational Services (BOCES). As a result, CDE has reported back to the Colorado Legislature about the support provided for recruiting and retaining educators. Using this data gathered by CDE, CASE has spearheaded the "CASE Project" to expand teacher shortage support in Colorado by identifying regions, academic subject areas, and school district staff requiring the most support.
The main goals of the CASE Project have been to:
- Reshape the delivery of instruction to ensure that students in any zip code have high-quality teachers and the same opportunities for courses.
- Increase teacher job satisfaction and the likelihood of retaining teachers in positions longer with fever preps, opportunities to innovate, and potentially greater compensations.
- Develop the skills desired by business and industry to ensure that the best teachers have access to even more students.
The CASE Project thus far has resulted in key partnerships between various school districts throughout Colorado to leverage staff and resources. The resulting strategy are available to help local education providers (LEPs) respond to educational shortages across Colorado communities for collaboration with capacity, resources, and efficiencies with small rural systems. More information will be added to this page as the CASE Project continues throughout 2024.
- Wednesday, July 24, 2024 - Presentation at CASE Summer Convention in Breckenridge, CO
Cheri Wrench, CASE Consultant
Mallorie Klemm, Blended Learning Education Sr. Consultant
OER Project
Pursuant to Colorado Revised Statute (C.R.S. 22-5-119) and reinforced by the COVID-19 pandemic, Colorado's statewide supplemental and blended learning program under Colorado Empowered Learning (CEL) ensures public access to a digital repository of content and resources for PK-12+ Colorado educators and other educational stakeholders in using Open Educational Resources (OER). CEL, as administered by the Colorado River Board of Cooperative Educational Services (CR BOCES), lead the "OER Project" for Colorado from Fall 2021 through Fall 2024. A 3-year report from the CR BOCES on the K-12 OER Project and OERColorado platforms can be viewed on CEL's Resources webpage. Current oversight of the state's K-12 OER Project and the OERColorado platform is managed by CDE.
In collaboration with the Institute for the Study of Knowledge Management in Education (ISKME), the OER Project developed the OERColorado platform composed on the OERColorado Hub and OERColorado Microsite. These websites include openly-licensed, free high-quality learning digital materials. The CR BOCES and ISKME continue to curate resources for any PK-12+ educator or user to access. Please note that OERColorado is administered by and hosted on a third party site. The site is subject to its own terms of use and privacy policies.
For information about OER in Higher Education, please visit the Colorado Department of Higher Education (CDHE)'s OER in Colorado webpage.
- Tuesday, May 7, 2024 - What are Open Educational Resources (OER) webinar hosted by ISKME
- Tuesday, May 14, 2024 - Adapting Open Education Resources webinar hosted by ISKME
- Tuesday, October 1, 2024 - Vetting and Adopting Open Educational Resources webinar hosted by ISKME
- Tuesday, October 8, 2024 - Open Educational Resources Leadership and Advocacy webinar hosted by ISKME
- Tuesday, March 4, 2025 - Open Educational (OE) Week OERColorado information webinar hosted by OBL
- Join at 4:00 PM MST:
OERColorado Team
Mallorie Klemm, Blended Learning Education Sr. Consultant
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