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Recovery School Grant Program

General Information

The Recovery School Grant Program was created through SB24-048 and provides grants to recovery high schools for expenses related to assisting students who are living a life of sobriety. Approximately $50,000 is available for the 2024-2025 school year.  Available grant funding will be distributed to eligible Education Providers, based on the number of applications received. Additional grant funding for subsequent years will be contingent upon annual appropriations by the State Legislature, and grantees meeting all grant, fiscal, and reporting requirements. Funded applicants for the 2024-2025 school year are not guaranteed any additional funding beyond the 2024-2025 year. Funds must be expended by June 30, 2025. There will be no carryover of funds. 

2024-25 Funded Recovery High School

  • 5280 High School

Grant Requirement Due Dates

  • April 15, 2025 - Interim Financial Report (IFR) - Submit general ledger in GAINS
  • July 1, 2025 - Year End Program Report - Submit in GAINS history log. 
    • Year End Program Report - Grant recipients shall provide the requested data, including the information specified below, to CDE to evaluate the progress of the Recovery Schools Grant Program.  On or before July 1, 2025, each recovery school that receives a grant through the grant program shall submit a report to the department detailing how the recovery school used the grant money. Year End Program Report will include: 
      • Number of students served
      • How funds were used to assist students who are living a life of sobriety
      • Progress toward outcomes identified in the application
  • September 30, 2025 - FY25 Final Expenditure Report - Submit general ledger in GAINS history log

Allowable Use of Funds

A recovery high school awarded this grant may use the money received through the program for expenses related to assisting students who are living a life of sobriety. Suggested services or activities include but are not limited to: 

  • school personnel, including salary and benefits;  
  • school staff professional development, including event registration fees, learning materials, and travel expenses; 
  • activities and services that assist students in maintaining sobriety; and 
  • transportation to these activities and services.  

Note: Funding should not be used for food and may not be used for capital construction expenditures. 

Eligible Applicants

Per statue, eligible applicants are Recovery High Schools. 

A Recovery High School means a school that: 

  • Educates and supports students in recovery from substance use or co-occurring disorders, including self-harm and disordered eating; 
  • Intends that ALL STUDENTS ENROLLED are working in an active and abstinence-focused program of recovery as determined by the student and the school; 
  • Provide support for families learning how to live with, and provide support for, their teens who are entering into the recovery lifestyle; and 
  • Meets state requirements for awarding a high school diploma. 

Note: Applications will not be accepted from individual non-charter schools and must be authorized and submitted through the LEP. 

Charter Schools: 

Pursuant to C.R.S. 22-30.5-104 (11), a charter school may choose to apply apart from their authorizer for a competitive grant program created by a federal or state statute or program. The charter school is considered the LEP only for the purposes of applying and determining eligibility. A charter school’s authorizer will be the fiscal agent, if funded. 

  • A charter school that applies for a grant shall provide to its authorizing district: 
    • A copy of the grant application at the time the application is submitted to CDE; and 
    • If the charter school receives the grant moneys, a summary of the grant requirements, a summary of how the charter school is using the grant moneys, and periodic reports on the charter school’s progress in meeting the goals of the grant as stated in its application. 
  • If a charter school intends to apply for a grant that the school’s authorizing school district is also intending to apply for, the charter school shall seek to collaborate with the school district in the application and to submit the application jointly. If the charter school and the school district are unable to agree to collaborate in applying for the grant, the charter school may apply for the grant independently or in collaboration with other charter schools. 

2024-2025 Grant Application Information - Applications Closed 11/6/24

Information Webinar:  

View Application Information Webinar Slides (PDF)

Applications Open:  Monday, October 14, 2024

Applications Due:  Wednesday, November 6, 2024 by 4 pm

Notice of Award:  Applicants will be notified of final award status no later than January 1, 2025

Application Materials - For Reference Only - Applications Closed 11/6/24

Review Application (Word)

Complete & Submit Application in GAINS

For More Information, Contact:

Program Questions:

Anita Brodecky
School Health Services Office

Budget/ Fiscal Questions:

Gloria Kochan
Grants Specialist IV
Office of Grants Fiscal Management

Application Process and GAINS Questions: 

Mandy Christensen
Grants Program Administration 
303-957-6217 |