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2019 SLDS Grant
In February 2020, the Colorado Department of Education (CDE) was awarded a federal grant of $2.3 million to improve Colorado's Statewide Longitudinal Data System (SLDS). CDE applied for and received supplementation funding in the amount of $360,000 in September 2020. The additional opportunity was offered due to the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on state education operations. Outcomes from these funds must be tied to COVID-19.
Focus Areas for Grant
Infrastructure Modernization
A new data presentation layer will be developed to help reporting tools communicate with the data warehouse. This upgrade is also necessary for CDE’s New SchoolView project.
CDE will convert to a standardized database model and toolset (CEDS, or Common Education Data Standards) for reporting standardization and interoperability across states.
This funding allows CDE to automate and standardize more common and less expensive tools, to save money and increase the pool of available technical staff for hiring.
Supplemental funding adds support for managing remote meeting tools due to workplace changes brought on by the pandemic.
Data Privacy & Data Governance
Funding allows CDE to build on Colorado’s recognized leadership in data privacy processes and methods.
Utilize already established data sharing agreement formats and data request processes applied to the grant’s new use cases.
CDE’s information security success and cyber training will be continued and enhanced.
CDE has very strong K12 Data Governance (Data Management Committee, Education Data Advisory Committee, active participant in Governors’ Data Advisory Board). The grant offers a way to expand those methods and structures to go past the existing structures and bring in external post-academic career partners that house relevant data, e.g., workforce certifications, jobs data, salary information, drivers' license data and others.
Include all divisions within CDE which do not normally participate in the established data governance structures to ensure all voices are at the governance table.
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